Tristan's 5 Month Update

 Little Daniel turned 5 months Today. Yay!!! I can sum this month up with one word "Active." He is no longer this calm baby I knew a few weeks ago. He grabs and pulls everything it doesn't matter what it is. We are now at the stage where everything is food lol. No matter what is in his hand, it's a snack for him. He keeps me on my toes I don't think I'm ready for him to crawl. I know it is going to be double the fun.
Over this past month he has learned how to turn around in his walker, master his hand movement, and also sitting up. In my last blog post I mention teething. It's wasn't a major issue this time around. Since his muscles are stronger, he holds the teething ring better. Sounds are starting to keep him entertain. His favorite song is "If You're Happy and You Know It". Music is the key of silence in my house. Tristan falls asleep to Pandora. I know this may sound weird, but when I was pregnant, I did the same. This mother-son bond we have is amazing. Anyone can tell he is going to be a mama's boy. I have to be in his eye sights or he is unhappy. I enjoy every minute of it because I know pretty soon he will want to be with daddy. I didn't think he would be so close to me because in the beginning my husband did everything while I recovered. We recently went to his 4 month check up he was 16lbs and 5oz but still seems to be heavier. I think it's super cute he is chunky it brings out his dimples. We didn't have pictures taken since he was 2-3 Months so this past week I took some at home.My husband made him smile while I snapped away. The mini session turned out great I'll insert some of my favorites. I hope you enjoy!!


  1. OMG!! Your baby is seriously cute and your manz is not bad either :)

    Cute blog! Thanks for stopping by mine

  2. Aww he's so adorable! Just wait until he starts walking! He'll be EVERYWHERE!

  3. He's too cute!! Love the picture where he poses his head over his hand |-D
    Thanks for coming by my blog and following, I am now following you too, on bloglovin and GFC.

    xo Steph

  4. Ohmygoodness, what a stud!! You are blessed. He is already a little model!
    xo jess
