Happy One Month

Good Day My Beauties =) I know time is going by so fast... My baby boy is one month today I can't believe it. He has changed so much since September. He no longer looks like me his looks just like his dad. The only thing that comes for me and my side of the family would be his eyes and his lips. Last time he got weighed he was at 8lbs and 9oz and 20in long. I'm pretty sure he is past that now lol he eats none stop. Some of his accomplishment to me would be that he is holding his head up more, he moves his head when he hear our voice, and he also sleeps great during the night. I think he is moving to fast by holding his bottle. =(  I'm not ready for him to be this independent. I have a very spoiled little boy and do not like when we put him down but he is everything I could ask for. I've enjoyed being a mother this past month ready to take on more.

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