50 Random Facts About Me

    Since changing the content of Laidee Tam  I think it's time I introduce myself to everyone. Everything about me is random but I know I'm not the only one. There have to be others with crazy addiction and weird pet peeves.I hope I don't bore you ha-ha. I would also like to get to know you So, leave me a comment with some interesting facts.

    1. I believe my mom named me after America
    2. I'm afraid of the dark
    3.I'm 5'1
    4. I wear glasses
    5.I prefer Smart Water over alcohol 
    6.I have a slight case of OCD
    7.I hate feet
    8.I can eat honey mustard with anything
    9. I'm addicted to Covet
    10.I pretend to shop everyday
    11.I'm obsessed with Amber Rose
    12.My husband and I share the same birthday
    13.My favorite color is Lime Green
    14. I write like a four year old
    15.I'm a proud mother of one
    16. I love everything cookies & cream
    17.I was a Math whiz in school
    18. I'm a horrible speller
    19.I wish I could meet Lil Wayne
    20.I am double jointed
    21.I do not know how to whistle
    22. I enjoy dancing
    23.As a little girl I use to make music videos
    24.I'm afraid of cats
    25.The shower curtain can never touch me while I'm in the shower
    26. My favorite numbers are 2 and 3 ( for example: my birthday is July 23rd, my son's birthday is September 23rd, and we got married May 03rd)
    27. I'm very hard on myself
    28. My first job ever was at Old Navy
    29.I'm really nosy
    30. I never watch scary movies
    31.Crafting is my 2nd job
    32. I traveled all around the United States as a kid with my Papa
    33.I have a spoon for each state I've visited
    34.I'm spoiled
    35.I LOVE IKEA
    36.I starch all over when I'm sleepy or just waking up
    37.I want to live in California
    38.I say sorry a lot
    39.I love fried rice ( yummy )
    40.I've owned seven dogs
    41.I over think everything
    42.If I start to sweat. I have to take a bathe
    43.I don't have my driver license
    44.Once my sock(s) get wet I have to take them off
    45.I hate Ketchup
    46.I'm a mommy's girl
    47.I love to play The Sims
    48.I enjoy coding & designing websites
    49.I have twin brothers
    50.Mind-bending movies are my favorite

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